PSR is offered to children of registered parishioners, grades Pre-K through 5th. Grades 6 and up will be in Confirmation class. New to the Parish?
Please include a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate. Parish School of Religion News:PSR CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 8th. Class begins promptly at 9am-10:15am in the parish hall. Confirmation class is at the same time.
We appreciate your urgency in taking the time to register your child(ren) in the PSR or Confirmation program this year.
If you have a child in Pre-K thru 5th Grade please
click here to register for this year's classes.
If you have a child in 6th-12th Grades, please
click here to register for Confirmation classes.
I am looking forward to a great year of PSR!! Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Many Blessings,
Erin Harris
Director of Religious Education