In 1803, the United States purchased from France the area then called the Louisiana Territory. On July 2, 1804, Lewis and Clark, during their famous exploration of that Louisiana Purchase for President Thomas Jefferson, camped on the east bank of the Missouri River within an easy walk of where Holy Trinity Church now stands. Weson, founded in 1837 at a bend in the river mapped by Lewis and Clark, was then at the very edge of the United States and was the town “furthest west” in trade: thus, the name “West Town”. In those days the Missouri River formed a harbor just below the hill on which Holy Trinity church now stands.
Holy Trinity Parish was established in 1842 at which time it extended 80 miles along the Missouri River. A Jesuit missionary priest began to hold services in the home of Edward Diffley on Rock Street. Parish histories state that the first church building on the hill overlooking Weston was built beginning in the spring of 1844. The land was cleared by hand by parishioners, who also made their own bricks for the building. It was completed in1847. In 1892, for the parish's 50th anniversary, the high altar, statue of the Most Holy Trinity, and two side altars were installed. The present church building still contains those altars and statue. When the original church was torn down in December 1911, many of the timbers, 50 feet in length and fastened together with wooden pegs, were still in good condition. Mass was held in the school building until the dedication of the current church in October 1912. The new church cost about $30,000.
A 100th anniversary celebration of the current Holy Trinity Church was celebrated in 2012.In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the dedication of our historic church, a Parish Mission was held in March 2012, new wood flooring was installed in July and a memorial hutch displaying historical artifacts put in place in the parish hall. An informative Self-Guided Tour brochure helps both parishioners and guests discover the rich history and symbolism of our sacred space. And the Anniversary Mass at 5pm on 27 October brought the year to a climactic finish. It was a grace-filled season in our parish!
Almighty God, our Rock and our Refuge, in Jesus Christ you have revealed yourself to be a communion of Divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. By the power of your grace, you remake your people into a holy temple constructed of living stones where celestial blessings descend upon earth.
We thank you for the precious gift of our church dedicated to your honor. It stands as an enduring sacrament of the steadfast fidelity of your love and a handsome memorial to the generous service of your faithful.
We ask that you bless our efforts to commemorate the centennial of the dedication of this sanctuary. May this undertaking render honor to your holy name and renew the faith of our parish in your unfailing love.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.