The Funeral Liturgy is celebrated for those Catholics who have passed from this life. In this special liturgy, the souls of the faithful departed are commended to our merciful Savior. Those who remain ask that they themselves may be comforted by the consolation of the Holy Spirit and the promises of Christ.
The typical liturgy unfolds in three steps:
- First, there is a Visitation, often celebrated the evening before the Funeral Mass. At the Visitation, the Rosary or a prayer service (Vigil) is celebrated.
- Second, there is the Funeral or Requiem Mass.
- Finally, there is a Graveside Service.
Those who are near death and their families are encouraged to contact the pastor (816-640-2206, x102) to make arrangments for the Funeral Liturgy. The pastor should be contacted before scheduling the liturgy in order to ensure the availability of the church and assisting ministers.